What Our Clients Value


Market Competitiveness Report

Click on thumbnail for a larger view – Sample Market Competitiveness Report

Many organizations use market compensation surveys to benchmark internal job competitiveness. Compensation practitioners often find themselves immersed in tables and numbers, which are quite difficult to comprehend for decision-makers outside of the compensation world. I am able to customize and mass-produce job benchmark reports for each of my clients using Excel VBA. I also visualize both the internal and external compensation data so that it is very user-friendly for non-compensation stakeholders. 


Job Hierarchy & Job Matrix Creation

Click on thumbnail for a larger view – Sample Job Hierarchy and Job Matrix

Job Hierarchy is the structure to show how the jobs in your organization is stacked up, and Job Matrix shows how these jobs are aligned across different job families. They are the stepping stones for more sophisticated compensation analysis such as salary structure design. They are also the foundation for your titling system as well as career path progression. When we help our clients to create Job Hierarchy and Job Matrix, we don’t rush you into a pre-set template as we believe each organization is unique. We provide customized solution so that your Job Hierarchy and Job Matrix not only serve well for your current organizational needs, but also have great compatibility to your future organization, however it would grow into. 


Salary Structure Design and Audit

Click on thumbnail for a larger view – Sample Salary Structure

Salary structure helps you to monitor the pay range for your jobs.  Many organizations may have a salary structure in place but do not know how to measure its effectiveness. Adjustment is only made for inflation or when major organizational change takes place. Hiring consulting firms upgrade your salary structure can be a prolonged process with high costs. I will provide you with agile yet insightful analytics to help you measure your internal equity, external competitiveness, and pay for performance effectiveness. 




Job Evaluation

Click on thumbnail for a larger view – Job Evaluation Project Plan

From time to time, organizations needs to revisit their job evaluation system to ensure all jobs in all locations are evaluated in a consistent, fair, and effective manner. For one client, I have successfully completed a organization-wide job evaluation project that decreased job titles from 600+ to less than 200. I have organized their job descriptions and evaluation results in a central repository, which largely enhanced the HR team efficiency to manage future job change. 




Total Compensation Statement

Click on thumbnail for a larger view – Sample Total Compensation Statement

One client asked me to produce a report that they can share with the employees about their compensation for the past year. I produced this report which showed not only the salary and incentive payment, but also the benefits and pension dollar value for each individual employee. Employees highly appreciate such statements because they now realize that they are paid much more than what they thought. My client also highly appreciate such statements because for the first time, they have an overarching view of their talent investment.






International Assignment

Click on thumbnail for a larger view – International Assignment Framework

Let’s talk about the elephant in the room: the traditional “balance-sheet” expatriate compensation approach is very expensive, and for many cases in the modern business world, not always necessary for our expatriates. Many expatriates are just as happy and motivated moving across the globe, at a much more affordable price for the global companies.  I will help you identify the type of your international assignment, and compare your total international assignment costs, line by line, for different options, so you can hand-pick the best option for your expatriates with clean line of sight to the assignment costs.